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Travelling with Toddlers and Young Children to Boracay

traveling with kids

Boracay is not just a partyphile’s ultimate destination.  It’s also a family-friendly summer retreat, which offer a lot of activities your tiny tots will definitely enjoy.  However, bringing toddlers and younger children to Boracay can be quite a challenge.  The problems can go beyond packing dilemmas.  Toddler meltdowns can dampen your holiday mood, and you might find yourself preferring to stay in the safety and comfort of your hotel room with your temperamental tot more than enjoying the sun, sea, and surf.

But there are a few things you can do to ensure hassle-free travel with toddlers to Boracay:

Fly to Caticlan.


Going to Boracay via Kalibo may not be the best option for you, if you have a kid or two in tow.  You’ll still have to drive for 2 hours to Caticlan to board a light aircraft to Boracay.  With kids around, this may not be the best arrangement.

Leave all payment and transfer arrangements to the hotel (or your travel agent). 

Travel Agency

With a little toddler tagging along, lining up for payments or arranging travel to and from the airport by yourself can be a daunting experience, especially for first time travelers.  It would be better to let your travel agent arrange all that so you can enjoy a fuss-free holiday with your little one.  Hotels, too, can arrange for your transfer to and from the airport.  Just inform them ahead of time.

Don’t skimp on services and amenities. 

7stones boracay

Gone are the days when the barest necessities could suffice.  You’re travelling with your little ones now so you’ll need to prioritize their comfort for a stress-free vacation.  It’s high time to upgrade from budget accommodations to a spacious hotel room with a view of the beach, as you’ll most likely be spending more time indoors, especially during the hottest days.

Check with your little one’s pedia before leaving for Boracay. 

check up

Check with your doctor and your little ones’ pedia for necessary medications and vaccinations before heading out for your summer getaway.  While Boracay has a number of private medical clinics and a government hospital, it may be hard to find a pediatrician in the island.


beach stroller

A stroller may be a necessity, especially if you’re bringing more than one child to Boracay, since you’ll be doing a lot of walking while you’re there.

Diapers, baby formula and other baby stuff.

flying essentials

If you’re particular with your little one’s milk supplement and diapers, you’ll have to bring your supply with you.  The stores in Boracay may not carry the brand your little one is using (and taking your chances on brands you’re not familiar with may not be advisable).  Better to stash up on your little one’s essentials before leaving for your vacation.

Lower your expectations. 

baby and mom

Toddlers will be toddlers and meltdowns and messes are certainly unavoidable so don’t sweat the small stuff.  If you’re too concerned with the minutest detail of your planned vacation, you won’t be enjoying the best part of your vacation:  being with your precious little one in one of the most magical destinations in the country.




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