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15 Tips to Beat the Holiday Travel Madness


15 Tips to Beat the Holiday Travel Madness

Some people choose to travel during the holiday season, and while that may be fun, it’s also important to keep certain guidelines in mind so that you will have hassle-free holidays—and so you get to enjoy your trip more!

1. Do your research.


First and foremost, you have to research about the country or place that you’re going to. Know when peak days are, and try to understand their culture a bit. Know what you’re supposed to wear, and say. Know where you’re supposed to go. Remember that as a visitor, you have to somehow try to fit in.

2. Apply for global entry or pre-check.


These will reduce your wait time at the airport, and will you make the most out of your time. This is now available in 118 airports worldwide. All you have to do is fill up an application form at tsa.gov, show proof of citizenship and a valid ID and you’re all set!

3. Look for direct flights.

direct flights

Mostly, you can opt for flights that leave in the morning. These are usually posted during midnight, and will help you get the cheapest rates without sacrificing comfort during your flight.

4. Get better seats!


Sign up on expertflyer.com and be able to switch seats for the coveted spots (i.e., exit row, window, and aisle). You can also try TripitPro which allows you to get not just one seat, but up to 4 seats if you’re traveling with your family.

5. Pack light.


As they say, it’s hard to travel when you have too much baggage. Pack light. Bring only the clothes you need, and essentials such as sunscreen, and underwear, and some medicines—that’s it. You don’t have to bring your whole house with you!

6. Bring earplugs.

ear plug

Not only will you be able to listen to music or watch movies without interruption, it’s also a good way of tuning out unnecessary noise—especially those related to turbulence—so you’d enjoy your trip without being scared or anything.

7. Make sure your gadgets have been properly charged.

mobile charger

Airports and airlines may levy charging fees, so make sure that your phones, tablets, and other gadgets are all juiced up!

8. Use all available resources.


In case your flight gets canceled or postponed, and you know you can book another flight, make sure to call the airline right away; or that you have apps that will help you switch flights.

9. Book a great room.

book a room

Even if you’re on a budget, you don’t have to settle for less. You can still book a great room! Try booking via Expedia, Booking.com, or Agoda!

10. Bring snacks.

These will keep you satiated and in a good mood before your flight, or while on the way to your hotel. You can also make use of instant delivery apps such as FoodPanda or Looloo to make sure you get great food delivered at your hotel!

11. Try package deals.

package deal

Instead of just booking for a flight, why not get one with a room booking, too? It’s an easy way of making sure you have somewhere to stay after your flight.

12. Make use of Uber—or rent a car instead.


Some people may try to scam you while traveling in an unfamiliar place, so try renting a car or just looking for an Uber via the app to make sure you get around safely.

13. Leave early.

alarm clock

Don’t be late for your flight—no one’s going to wait for you. Arriving early would also help you make sure that you know what’s going on.

14. Don’t travel when the weather isn’t clear.

bad weather

Emergencies and calamities happen. You are not immune to bad weather—don’t try to go on a flight when you know it isn’t safe.

15. And, relax and enjoy.

beach day

Just enjoy your trip. Don’t think too much, and bask in the Christmas joy! It only happens once a year—make it worthwhile!

Keep these tips in mind and you’ll have a happy, fuss-free trip! Enjoy!

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10 of the Most Adrenaline-Pumping Beach Holiday Activities


10 of the Most Adrenaline-Pumping Beach Holiday Activities

If you’re an adventure-seeker, and you want to spend the holiday season alone or with your loved ones on the beach, there are many adrenaline-pumping activities you can do. Here are some suggestions:

1. Cliff diving

ariels point

image source: boracaybestdeals.com

If jumping off of a cliff into crystal blue waters doesn’t give you the adrenaline rush you’ve been looking for, nothing will. Not all beaches have rocky cliffs you can jump off from, but those that do offer a variety of heights from as low as 3 meters to as high as 26 meters. The best thing about this activity is that you don’t need any special clothing or equipment to enjoy it. All you really need are nerves of steel in order to make that first jump.

2. Parasailing

This may seem like a calm activity, especially to adrenaline junkies who are addicted to extreme sports, but being harnessed to a parachute-like canopy while being towed by a speed boat isn’t for the faint of heart. Imagine flying a kite high up in the air. Now, imagine that you are the kite. Doesn’t that sound thrilling to you?

3. Wakeboarding

If you think that your run at the wake park was fun, why not try taking your wakeboarding skills to the beach? The added difficulty of riding a wakeboard through waves and being pulled in different directions by a speed boat will surely get your heart rate up.

4. Surfing


image source: i.ytimg.com

This sport has been around for ages, but it never gets old. Each year, many people take up surfing and get addicted to the feeling they get when they ride the waves. The constant rush of adrenaline that courses through your body when you master a wave – or when you wipe out – will surely keep you coming back for more.

5. Kiteboarding/Kitesurfing

If parasailing and wakeboarding seem a little bit too tame for you, you can always mix them together and go kiteboarding instead. The name this adventure sport is called is self-explanatory. You hop on a board that is attached to a kite-like canopy, and you try to steer trough the waters while keeping yourself from wiping out. This extreme water sport incorporates elements of wakeboarding, parasailing, snowboarding, skateboarding, and other thrilling activities into one exciting and technically difficult activity.

6. Windsurfing

The combination of sailing and surfing will surely get your blood pumping once you master the wind and waves. Of course, it takes time to get the hang of navigating through the waters, but luckily for beginners, places that rent out boards for this sport also offer lessons.

7. Jet Skiing


image source: pinoypresyo.com

Imagine the wind in your hair as you cruise around on a motorcycle meant for the water. Unlike biking on land, however, riding a jet ski is a little bit more challenging as waves can make the ride even more thrilling than you might expect.

8. Water Rides

banana ride

image source: 7stonesboracay.com

Many of the more touristy beaches offer water rides such as banana boat and fly fish boat rides. These rides may seem like child’s play to most, but hanging on as waves propel your inflatable boats up in the air is no easy feat, especially when the boat pulling you around is at full speed.

9. Shark Dives

scuba diving

image source: calypso-boracay.com

Scuba diving can be quite relaxing, but when you consciously dive in an area where sharks converge, your heart is guaranteed to pump harder than it ever did. But there’s no need to panic. As long as you follow your guide’s instructions, you’ll be fine.

10. Learn Poi Dancing

The dance that originated from the Maori people of New Zealand has become an attraction in beaches all over the world as dancers twirl around with blazing balls attached to chains. Watching them perform is already thrilling in itself, but learning how to do it can be a lot more fun.

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