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How to Document Your Travel Adventure


How to Document Your Travel Adventure

Not everyone is blessed with a great memory. That’s why it’s best to document your travel adventures. There are a lot of ways to do that—and here are 5 of those:

1. Make a travel blog

travel blog

image source: roomsuggestion.com

What better way to document your adventures than with a blog dedicated to your trips? It’s a good way to express yourself and write about where you’ve been. No one can tell you what to talk about, and you can even make a business out of it.

Write about how excited you were for the trip, what happened when you first got there, where you went, what you ate—and whatever else happened on the trip! Give your readers a guide to what’s best to see, what to do, and where to eat, and who knows, you may gain a loyal legion of readers because of that.

Take inspiration from travel blogs such as Nomadic Matt, I am Aileen, or Adventurous Kate and make the most out of your travels.

2. Create an Instagram account for your travels

Another good way to document your travels is to create an Instagram account that’s solely dedicated to you trips.

What’s great about Instagram is that you can be so creative with your photos, and if you’re not good with words, you can just let the photos speak for themselves! Document details and colors, the people, and make sure your photos reflect the feel of the place.

Take a cue from Young Adventures, or Expert Vagabond, among others.

3. Try Video-blogging (Vlogging)

travel video

image source: cnet1.cbsistatic.com

Vlogging is great because somehow, you get to let the viewers experience your trip vicariously.

To be a good travel vlogger, make sure that you get a nice camera (Canon EOS Rebel T3i is recommended), and speak clearly. You can even make use of a script if you want. This way, your videos would look and feel professional, and your viewers would love watching them. Be yourself and imagine yourself in your viewers’ shoes so you can give them a great viewing experience.

4. Write in a Journal

You can also go old-school and keep a travel journal. Write about how you felt during the trip. Let all your feelings out. This one is something you can keep for yourself, so there’s no need to censor your feelings. Write long or short passages—it does not really matter as long as you get to express yourself.

You may even doodle and draw about your experiences to give your journal more flair!

5. Make a scrapbook

And finally, why not make a scrapbook?

Sure, it may take time and require a little more effort, but scrapbooks are amazing because you really get to relieve the moment by touching and seeing your mementos.

To make the scrapbook better, make sure to add flyers of hotels or inns you stayed in, business cards, receipts, candy wrappers, or even petals or leaves that came from the place you visited. Make it fun and be creative!

Keep these tips in mind and your travels will surely be more memorable!


How New Year Is Celebrated Around the World


How New Year Is Celebrated Around the World

While everyone waits for the coming of a New Year, you can expect that New Year is celebrated in different ways all around the world!

Interested to know how some countries usher in the New Year? Read on and find out!


australia new year

Australia is among the first countries to celebrate the New Year – each year!
In the land down under, it’s important to pray in church and thank the Lord for the year that was, and the one that’s about to come. At the Sydney Harbor, more than 60,000 fireworks are lit to celebrate the coming year—and parties are held everywhere, too!

The United States

United States New Year

While there are various celebrations in different American states, one of the most awaited New Year’s Eve events in America is the Giant Ball Drop in Times Square, where a giant ball of lights is dropped to the ground as the clock strikes 12. It was originally hosted by Dick Clark, but in recent years, Ryan Seacrest has proven to be a worthy replacement.



Meanwhile, in Serbia, New Year’s is celebrated like Christmas. Kids believe that Santa Claus would visit the house and leave some presents under the Christmas tree, and the start of the New Year is not recognized until January 13!


Estonia christmas

Food is a big part of New Year’s Eve celebrations in Estonia. People eat an average of 7 to 12 meals that day. They believe that each meal they consume would help give them more strength that they can use for the coming year.
What’s interesting is that part of the meals is left unfinished. Why? Well, Estonians believe that they should leave some for their ancestors and spirits who might visit the house on New Year’s Eve!



If food plays a big role in Estonia, in Denmark, dishes—literal dishes like plates and mugs—do!
First, they eat a really huge cake that’s shaped like a steep cone decorated with flags and firecrackers. Then, they throw dishes as a symbol of letting go of what’s broken in their lives and moving forward to the future!


Japan christmas

If Serbians wait for Santa, the Japanese traditionally believe that Toshigami or the God of the New Year visits their homes, and they have to ring their bells 108 times. They also make sure that their houses are clean. They send cards of gratitude to family and friends, too.


Philippines christmas

And finally, in the Philippines, New Year is celebrated with a bang!
Aside from the fact that there are fireworks displays all around to let go of the negativity and welcome the coming year with positivity, food also plays a big role in the celebrations. Traditional food that are prepared include pancit, which signifies long life, malagkit or biko to signify tight family bonds, and lechon or roasted pig as a symbol of the prosperity that’s to come with the New Year!

This just proves that the world truly is a colorful and diverse place—especially during the New Year! How about you? Where are you celebrating New Year’s Eve this year?

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