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romantic beach

5 Unique Beach Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day


5 Unique Beach Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and while most people would opt for a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant, and perhaps a movie, you can make Valentine’s more meaningful for you and the one you love!

How? Well, by spending time at the beach, for one.

This article will present 5 unique beach date ideas to make your Valentine’s celebration an occasion you will not easily forget.

Watch the sunrise


image source : www.vagabondish.com

A lot of people are fans of the sunset, but the sunrise has its own unique allure, too.

For a quiet Valentine’s celebration, you can go walking along the beach at the break of dawn. For sure, there wouldn’t be a lot of people around–and witness the magical colors of the sky as the sun rises. You will feel something special about watching the beginning of a new day together while celebrating love! You can then top it all off with a hearty breakfast!

Hang a hammock


image source : www.tophammock.org

Hammocks aren’t exclusively used for napping or sleeping. You can also sit on one with your significant other, while  munching on some nachos and sipping refreshing fruit smoothies, or just talking and reflecting about anything under the sun. It’s a fresh, laidback take on Valentine’s Day–and it would surely help you forget about your worries, even for a while.

Be like kids

playing beach

image source : www.westportnow.com

How often in a year can you spend time with the one you love and act like kids? You may have a lot of responsibilities in life, but on Valentine’s Day, forget about them for a while. Play beach volleyball, run along the shore, and eat jello, carrot sticks, pretzels, popcorn, cotton candy, and the classic PB&J while sitting by the beach!

Surely, it’s a good way to momentarily escape from your stress-filled life, and just spend quality time with the one you love!

Play the glow game

led play game

image source : nj1015.com

Buy some glow sticks and glow paint. Put some glow on shells or balls, and play with them on the beach! You can also put some glow on yourselves while running or walking along the shores. Glow can really make anyone’s night, well, literally glow, so it’s a fun alternative to movies or fancy restaurants!

To top off the fun evening, you can put some glow inside balloons, then let the balloons go up in the air as you make your wishes together. It’ll be romantic and unforgettable!

An Enchanted Evening

romantic beach

image source : www.skyhdwallpaper.com

Finally, why don’t you set up a nice, romantic nighttime picnic for you and your date? Prepare the picnic blanket, cook your partner’s favorite food, and then serve with chocolate-covered strawberries, cheese slices, and some good old wine!

Afterwards, go and serenade your partner with a song that means much to both of you. You don’t have to be perfect or be a great singer–what matters is that you sing from the heart because that would mean more than anything else in the world.

Try these unique ideas, and you’ll surely be able to create the best beach Valentine date for you and your partner!

yapak festival

6 Events That You Should Look Forward to in Boracay in 2016


6 Events That You Should Look Forward to in Boracay in 2016

Time spent in Boracay can be truly eventful. Apart from the fact that the island is a paradise on earth, there is also a lot of things to look forward to–especially this 2016!

So, which events should you attend this year? Read on, and you’ll learn about the 6 fun events in 2016 that every traveler–like you–should look forward to when you go to Boracay!

1. Yapak Festival

yapak festival

image source: primer.com.ph

When: February 10 to 11

Boracay is divided into three zones, and these three zones all celebrate festivals on the 10th and 11th of February. Collectively, these festivals are known as the Yapak Festival.

Apart from being the trailblazer festival that would open up a bevy of other celebrations, the Yapak Festival is also a celebration of Aklan’s folklore highlighted by dances, music, and various colorful parades!

2. Red Cross Fun Run for Humanity

red cross fun run

image source: img08.deviantart.net

When: February 6

Fun doesn’t just have to be all about the parties or festivals. Participating in the Red Cross Fun Run for Humanity is a good way to be one with the people. It is an opportunity to exercise your bones and muscles, and more importantly, it is a way of giving back to the community.

Starting line is at Nigi Nigi Nu Noos Beach Resort in Station 2, 5AM. Take part if you want to have some fun in the sand and sun–and help others out while doing so!

3. Sand Lantern Festival

When: March 30 to April 1

Since 1999, the Sand Lantern Festival has been annually held in Boracay. It is common knowledge that there are so many talented sand castle makers in the island so it’s just right that their talents and skills are duly recognized.
These sand castles are also known as sand lanterns, thus, the name of the festival. In the event, you’ll see lantern makers not just from Boracay but from around the world, too! Make sure to pre-register, though.

4. Nestea International Beach Volleyball Tournament

When: 1st or 2nd Weekend of May

The Nestea Beach Volleyball Tournament has been hosted by Boracay since the early 2000s. This event has become a modern day sporting tradition of sorts. It was once just a celebrity event, but now, 70+ collegiate and 40+ commercial teams compete for amazing prizes! Even if you’re not playing, it surely is fun to watch!

5. Boracay International Dragonboat Festival

Dragon boat festival

image source: cdn.holidaysia.com

When: Early May

The Dragonboat Festival was first held in Boracay in 2007. Since then, it has been one of the most awaited events during the summer months–and is a great way to see amazing male and female paddlers in action, working a 15 meter long boat that’s shaped like a dragon! There are 16 paddlers on each team, and the Philippine Team is considered by experts around the world as one of the best!

6. Grand Boracay Flores de Mayo

Flores De Mayo

image source: cdn.holidaysia.com

When: May 24

And of course, no year is complete without the much-awaited Flores de Mayo or Festival of Flowers, a traditional celebration that honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, and depicts the search for Queen Helena’s Holy Cross. There are pageants and parades that feature beautiful ladies walking in their floral, historical best!


So, what are you waiting for? Book your trip now, and get to see one–or all–of these events in Boracay!

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