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tony chao

Celebrities that Celebrated Valentine’s in Boracay


Celebrities that Celebrated Valentine’s in Boracay

Boracay is considered as one of the best tropical beaches in the world. Aside from the exciting parties, the white sandy beaches, and delectable food, Boracay is also known to be the beach of love–mostly because so many celebrities have spent Valentine’s Day on the island!

Speaking of celebrities, here are the top 10 international celebrities who were spotted in Boracay beach resort celebrating with the one they love!

1. Chanel Iman

One of the world’s most promising models and a Victoria’s Secret Angel, Chanel Iman made Boracay even hotter with her presence! Not only that; she also spent time on the beautiful island with her beau, NBA player Jordan Clarkson–who was actually responsible for this surprise Boracay trip! They took loads of photos, rode on yachts, and even partied with Manny Pacquiao, arguably the Philippines’ most popular athlete of all time.

2. Lee O’Brien

The actor, whom Filipinos began to love after starring in the movie EDSA Woolworth with Filipina comedienne Pokwang, brought his ladylove (and co-star) to Boracay for three romantic February nights after the premiere of their movie. The two also confirmed that they were in a relationship right after that.

3. Marie Digby

marie digby

image source: iv1.lisimg.com

The beautiful songstress once spent Valentine’s Day in Boracay. While it was reported that she was going to be on her own, she was sighted with Fil-Am crooner and actor Sam Milby on the island. Sam later admitted that he really did see Marie–well, maybe the island could really help love develop, after all!

4. Michael Madsen

michael madsen

While Michael Madson is popular for starring in films such as Sin City, Kill Bill, and Donnie Brasco playing tough guy roles, the actor also has a soft spot in his heart—evidenced by how much he loves Boracay, most specifically, Ariel’s Point, a picturesque cliff that is a great dive-off spot!

5. Tony Chao

tony chao

image source: mayadstudios.com

Tony Chao is one of the most popular actors in Malaysia who’s known for his candor and charisma. His wife is also a celebrity, Fish Leong, a famous star in Thailand. Well, the two didn’t just visit Boracay on Valentine’s Day, they got married there, too! So romantic!

6. Kevyn Lettau

kevyn lettau

image source: pbs.twimg.com

The artist considers the Philippines as her second home, and why not? After all, she has been to Boracay not just for Valentine’s Day, but also in three other occasions. She describes the ocean as something so magnificent, with five different colors, and the whole place is a paradise–that’s why she keeps coming back for more! She has done concerts on the island, too.

7. Lee Min Ho

lee min ho

image source: 33.media.tumblr.com

The apple of teenagers’ (and teenagers at heart) eyes everywhere, Lee Min Ho is one of the most popular Korean actors in history. He starred in the hit Boys Over Flowers, and once spent a Valentine’s Day in Boracay. And, get this: he not only enjoyed the island, he also admitted that a woman he met on the island really caught his eye–and might even have caught his heart! Now, that’s a story for the ages!

8. Fely Irvine

feky irvine

image source: pictures.zimbio.com

Fely Irivine is a member of the hit show Hi-5 in Australia. Her fiancé, Tai Hara, is also an actor and a model, and they once spent Valentine’s in Boracay. The two agree that the island is not just made for partying—both of them also enjoyed the sun and surfing, making their love for each other even stronger!

9. Michael Caine

michael caine

image source: images.hngn.com

The actor was in Boracay to shoot the movie Too Late the Hero–way back in 1968, when Boracay was completely rustic and uninhabited. The actor considers it a paradise, and while he thinks that it no longer looks the same, he says that his memories of the place would always stay with him.

10. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

brad pit, angelina jolie

image source: img2-3.timeinc.net

Brangelina, as they are lovingly called by their legions of fans, once visited Boracay to hide from the hustle and bustle of life in the states. Rumor has it that they even thought about adopting a kid from the island, and while that did not pan out, they did fall in love with the island. Who knows? Maybe, they’ll be coming back soon!

While you may not be a star, you do deserve star treatment–and Boracay would surely give you that and more!

Taiwan valentines

Happy Hearts All Over the World: Valentine Traditions That You Need to Know


Happy Hearts All Over the World: Valentine Traditions That You Need to Know

While some people consider it a pagan holiday, Valentine’s is still celebrated by many because it is a festival of love; a day of remembering who makes your heart beat–and appreciating them for it.

That said, did you know that some countries have unique ways of celebrating Valentine’s Day? Well, read on and learn more about how the Day of Hearts is celebrated all around the world!



image source: chri.olhblogspace.com

In Denmark, it is a tradition to send pressed flowers, also known as Snowdrops, to one’s friends to show appreciation for their friendship during the past year.


image source: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Sending secret letters is also customary for men. The letters, also known as Goekkebrev, are sent to the women they fancy–without signing them to create a sense of mystery. If the receiver guesses who sent her the card, she’ll then receive an Easter egg on Easter Sunday!


finland valentines

image source: thumbs.mic.com

In Finland, Valentine’s Day is not just all about love, but is mostly a celebration of friendship. Gifts and cards are exchanged, and some people also choose to get engaged or get married to get St. Valentine’s blessings!



image source: tokyohive.com

On Valentine’s Day in Ghana, chocolates abound because the day is also known as National Chocolate Day. This is because Ghana is one of the world’s top chocolate exporters, and the occasion is good for their tourism and local businesses.

ghana valentines

image source: naijabuzzhub.com

Chocolate-themed museums also open during this holiday, making sure that people from all over the world get to see and appreciate Ghana’s contributions to the chocolate industry!


Valentine’s Day is known as El Dia del Carino in Guatemala, the day when love for friends, family, and lovers is celebrated. A festival is held where people wear feathered masks and costumes inspired by the Mayan Empire while parading around the streets. Senior citizens are honored, too.


Traditionally, Valentine’s was celebrated during springtime in Italy, and people would read poems in ornamental gardens or tree arbors. Not a lot of people do this today, but Valentine’s is still a big deal in Italy, given that stores are decorated a week before February 14, and a lot of couples announce their engagements on the said day.


korea valentines

image source: hype.my

In Korea, women are the ones who give candies and gifts to their crushes or loved ones on Valentine’s Day! However, a month later, on March 14, it is the men’s turn to give them candies–as a sign of reciprocating love, or in some cases, of turning it down.


Philippine valentines

image source: sean-cn.org

In the Philippines,local artists hold concerts on Valentine’s Day for couples to see. Mass wedding ceremonies started to be popular throughout the country. Couples are gathered in public places to get married or renew their vows. In 2013, around 4,000 couples got married en masse on Valentine’s Day.


scotland valentines

image source: buzzle.com

Valentine’s is fun in Scotland as there is a festival where men and women would draw out a name from a hat, and women would then pin the name of the one they picked on their shoulder–literally putting their hearts on their sleeves!


Taiwan valentines

image source: cdn2.hubspot.net

Finally, in Taiwan, the number of roses that men would give to their partners corresponds to their love for the recipient. The more, the better, and the more loved the women would feel!

See, the Day of Hearts is more than just a pagan holiday: it is a celebration of love and friendship–and a day that will let you appreciate people around you more.

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