For some people, traveling isn’t just a hobby—it’s a way of life. Even then, it does not follow that things would always run smoothly. For the coming New Year, take note of these 7 amazing New Year’s Resolutions—and apply them in your life for a better 2016, travel-wise!
1. Get to know your hometown

In the travel blog Hither and Thither, Ashley Muir Bruhn vows that in 2016, she will to get to know her home state more—and that’s something you can emulate.
You see, when you travel, it does not necessarily mean that you have to go somewhere you haven’t been before. Why not go back to your hometown? It would be great to rediscover places from your past—it would give you a much stronger sense of identity.
2. Do not let technology get in the way of your travels

It’s sad but these days, some people only travel because they want something to share on Instagram or Snapchat. Travels are meant to broaden your mind and make you appreciate the world more—not keep you glued on your phone or tablet.
Turn off the Wi-Fi and bask in the glory of your surroundings. This would make you feel so much better.
3. Try traveling on your own

Traveling with family or friends may be fun, but sometimes, it’s also nice to go solo.
Bri Emery of Design Love Fest believes that traveling solo and renting an apartment on your own can give you more freedom and a chance to get to know yourself better. This way, you can rest and reflect—without thinking about anyone else.
4. Create a travel wish list

You usually make wish lists for Christmas or for your birthday. Well, why not make a travel wish list, too? For example, you’re planning to go to Paris. What would you want to do? You can write about seeing the Eiffel Tower, eating macarons at Laduree, reading a book while at Champs Elysees, etc. This will help you create a better itinerary and allow you to take care of your budget better.
5. Check a trip off your bucket list

Would you really wait until the end of your life before ticking something off your travel bucket list?
If you really want to go somewhere, and you know it’s important to your being, make sure that you start saving up for it—and that you go ahead and go where you want to go. Start somewhere near, and then use apps like Bucket List Pro to give you more motivation.
6. Have small weekend getaways

Travels don’t always have to be grand. In fact, you might enjoy them more if you start going on small weekend getaways. This way, you’ll get to see more of the country and the world in just a short period of time.
Each trip does not have to cost much. You can go to a town you haven’t been to before, or see a museum you’ve always wanted to visit. What matters is you go out and enjoy the world.
7. And, enjoy whatever comes!

Sometimes, all your plans won’t fall into place, and you might encounter small mishaps during your trip.
You know what? That’s part of the fun. Don’t let yourself feel bad and don’t spoil your trip by thinking that every little thing in your plans should happen. Embrace your trip for what it is—because being able to see the world one place at a time is already something big.
Change your travel habits and traveling would be a whole lot better! Enjoy!
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